Sight Reading
This section explains one of many techniques for reading bagpipe music scores. This technique is based on doing a breakdown (layering) of the information in the music score.
The information on a music score is comparable to the overlapping information on a construction blueprint (walls, dimensions, furniture, roof pitch, etc.). A music score has the pitch of the notes, the duration of the notes, etc.; and bagpipe music especially has embellishment information also.
This approach for sight reading a music score consists of breaking-down a music scores into aggregating layers of information. Each layer is played multiple times, before moving onto the next layer (which includes the previous layers of information); and the full tune is played on the last layer.
Similar to a versed engineer or architect who can easily interpret a complex blueprint (and use this to create a mental image of the final construction), the separation of a music score into each layer does eventually not need to be explicit. Over time, the sight-reading becomes more and more automatic and the player will be reading the multiple layers at the same time.