Time lines (brackets)
Time lines (also known as "brackets") are used to indicate a variation in a repetition of a phrase or measure. A timeline should indicate what needs to be played the 1st time through (indicated with a 1), and another time line should indicate what to play the 2nd time through. The 2nd time through can be indicated with one of the following:
2: 2nd time through
2 of n: 2nd time through of the nth part, e.g. 2 of 2 (2nd time through of the 2nd part)
2 of n and m: 2nd time through of the nth part and 2nd time through of the mth,part, e.g. 2 of 2 and 4 (2nd time through of the 2nd part and 2nd time through of the 4th part)
For example, Jenny's Bawbee's 2nd part play 1st time as written, and 2nd time through play time line 2 (in the 1st part) instead of time line 1.